We sincerely believe that access to mental health services should be made available to anyone who would benefit.
This means Think Do Now is a bulk-billing service. To find out how to access cost-free counselling, take a look at our referrals tab, or simply call us to discuss.
When you bring your referral to your counselling session, just bring along your Medicare card also, and the service is cost-free (if we are available to take new referrals).
For clients who don’t wish to use Medicare, our fee schedule is in line with the Australian Association of Psychologists’ recommended fee amounts. If your circumstances require a unique arrangement, call us to discuss and we will do what we can to accommodate.
Additionally, we can offer a work and development order if you have an existing state debt. If this applies to you, speak with us about how we can reduce your state debt by getting on top of your mental health treatment.