Think Do Now is a client-centred counselling service, which means a treatment plan will look different for everybody.

Your registered psychologist will tailor your treatment using evidence-based practice. Feel free to have a look at some of the treatment modalities below, and let us know any questions or comments you may have.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT aims to draw links between our automatic thinking styles, and our feelings and habits. By noticing beliefs we have about ourselves, the world, or others, we can become empowered by acting less reactively.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)
IPT aims to explore the links between mental health, and our relationships and communication styles. By identifying the ways in which our interpersonal lives make us susceptible to distress, we can increase our capacity for coping.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT aims to increase our acceptance of distressing thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. By reducing our need to control discomfort, we can accept reality as it is. By clarifying our values, we can commit to developing our best selves.

At Think Do Now, we focus on psychoeducation, which means our aim is to help our clients be their own counsellors moving forward. If you want to know more about which modality your psychologist is using and why, simply ask. There are further treatment modalities that are evidence-based, and detailed information can be found in this literature review by the Australian Psychological Society.